finds 2
finds 2
There are many twists and turns in my life. During this finds entry, I take you through the journey from "daddy's little girl" to a carefree, unresponsible teenager on to a young mother of two. Along the way, many happy events along with desperate searching have paved the way to my life. Within every event depicted, the blade of the knife carves yet another aspect of me.
My girls
My girls 
"You are my masterpiece," was a phrase that has stuck with me. After the birth of my first daughter, my friend gave me a picture frame with a cute precious moment baby on it. I liked it because I collect precious moment figurines, but the thing that I love the most was the phrase on it that read "You are my masterpiece." I truly feel that way. My children are my greatest masterpieces. They are true miracles, they have given my strength and courage beyond my wildest dreams. They amaze me with their very beings. Children teach the true meaning of love.