"Just do it!" This creative and simple Nike logo created a wave of attention. It is very simple yet very powerful. My midterm finds demonstrate how this logo has prompted my life. Procrastination and contemplation can lead to unnecessary delays and obstacles. It is most times better to "Just do it."
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Nature is the origin of beauty. Colorado has beauty that is astounding and alluring. There are breathtaking views everywhere. It was the most amazing and carefree place to be when I was 18 years old. This picture was taken high upon a mountain top after a tortuously winding road straight up the mountain. The view mixed with the high altitude, created a truly euphoric feeling. The experience upon this mountain top will stay with me forever. We were able to witness a thunder storm push through the valley below. Lightning flashed and thunder roared but we never got a drop of rain on us. We were higher than the storm. It was the coolest thing to see lightning from above! Nature provides the best high in the world. This was my most exciting vacation I ever took, but it was also the most spontaneous and unplanned vacation also.